Mo Shaoping Quotes (13 Quotes)

    The prosecutor decided to drop the case and the Beijing No. 2 Intermediate Court agreed.

    He's very emotional about these charges, ... He thinks they are absurd.

    It's illegal not to release him. It's wrong.

    There is a question as to whether they have full confidence in their own evidence.

    He was calm and able to defend himself in court without being interrupted by the judge.

    Under Chinese law and regulations, Li is absolutely innocent.

    I have names, but I cannot reveal them yet. Yahoo could refuse to collaborate if it recognizes that there is a contradiction between Chinese law and international human rights standards.

    This whole process is illegal and ridiculous. According to Chinese law, there are no regulations that allow resuming an investigation after a criminal ruling.

    Many lawyers who handled criminal cases have ended up in prison.

    When prosecutors withdrew their indictment and the court approved it, Zhao Yan should have been released immediately as it was tantamount to declaring him innocent.

    We applied to summon more witnesses to appear in court and review the evaluation conclusions. So the Beijing No. 2 Intermediate People's Court has decided this case is postponed for one month.

    It has done the same to many others. I have several names but I can't reveal them because these cases have not yet been brought to trial.

    On the contrary, it was just this article that urged the local government to pay more attention to the situation. Li actually contributed to society.

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