Mohammed ElBaradei Quotes (8 Quotes)

    the slow progress of the nuclear-weapons states toward making good on their commitments to move toward nuclear disarmament -- with 27,000 warheads still in existence -- is creating an environment of cynicism among the non-nuclear weapons states.

    It would also bring India closer as an important partner in the non-proliferation regime.

    an opportunity to cough up whatever they have left of weapons of mass destruction.

    When dealing with threats of nuclear proliferation and arms control, the Security Council has too often fallen short.

    He hopes that in the coming days the international community will be able to coalesce around a solution that is acceptable to all parties, including Iran.

    Even those who are supporting Security Council reporting, are making it very clear that the Security Council is not asked at this stage to take any action (that could lead to sanctions), definitely not before I submit my report in March. All of them are saying that this is simply a continuation of diplomacy. It's about confidence-building and it is not about an imminent threat.

    Basically, the Iranians are saying, 'This is not enough,' ... we need to make sure the process continues ... as long as the parties are talking, we're on the right track.

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