Naji Sabri Quotes on Security (3 Quotes)

    So after a long time of utilizing the American propaganda machine, along with official statements of lies, distortion and falsehood, the focus was basically turned on inciting the American public against Iraq and pushing them to accept the American administration's schemes of aggression as a fait accompli, as if it were the solution or the necessary rescue that would allow American citizens to live in security and stability, after what they had gone through in the September 11 attacks.

    It is a dressing up of a rejected proposal, an aggressive plan for war. It polishes up a resolution rejected by the vast majority of the Security Council.

    Iraq has offered to allow the return of U.N. weapons inspectors. Now that Iraq has accepted the return of U.N. inspectors, we will all be able to see how they work, ... In our past experience with them -- 1991-1998 -- Iraq used to ask some of the inspection teams to do their job in accordance with the declared goals of the Security Council -- but some of the inspectors went on doing intelligence and espionage work that had nothing to do with the official mandate of the inspection teams.

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