Naji Sabri Quotes on World (7 Quotes)

    The U.S. doesn't want the world body United Nations to behave in accordance with its charter, ... Nor does it want international law to take its course.

    If the U. S. administration sticks to international law and listens carefully to the world public opinion and to the opinion of its own people, it should not embark on any aggression against Iraq,

    If they U.S. and British go further in the aggression, they will increase their losses, and the rift between them and the Arabs and Muslims will be bigger, ... They will increase in the hatred and the feelings of hatred between them and the Arabs and Muslims and all the people of the world.

    It's not new, ... For more than 30 years, the United States has conspired against Iraq. And it conspires against any independent state in the world.

    If the U.N. secretary-general withdraws the inspectors from Baghdad, this means that the secretary-general has abandoned its own responsibility in maintaining peace and security in the world.

    The only option to avoid war is the departure of the number one warmonger in the world US President George W Bush. His policy has brought disaster to the United States. This crazy man should go and also his subject, disciple and follower UK Prime Minister

    This administration dreams of controlling the whole world. By controlling this region, they are dreaming of dominating the whole world,

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    World - War & Peace - People - Security - America - Rejection - Principle - Man - Hatred - Work & Career - Disappointment - Speech - Opinions - Intention - Emotions - Terrorism - Countries - Resource - Lies & Deceit - View All Naji Sabri Quotations

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