Nancy Kroll Quotes (8 Quotes)

    She was scoring a lot of points. She was getting offensive rebounds. She is a great player. But my five very good players should be able to beat a great player on a good team. I think we proved that tonight.

    It was a great game. We had some foul trouble but we did a good job on the boards. We're pleased with the outcome.

    We were more focused and ready to play tonight. The girls had something to prove. The district loss may have been a wakeup call for us. It's very difficult to have an undefeated season.

    We really thought we'd have a better performance than this. We just didn't finish. Home court means everything and (Lake Gibson) played well. But we just didn't finish. It makes it hard to play well when you don't finish well.

    Nobody likes to lose. There were a lot of tears in that locker room after the loss a lot of kicking of chairs. But I was glad to see they were upset. The fire's got to burn for us to reach our goal, which is to make it to state.

    We've played well. Very well at times. It all starts with the work ethic we bring to the gym every day whether it's a game or practice. We work hard and we make sacrifices.

    For a point guard, it's an excellent accomplishment. She has been our leader and our best ball-handler. She also usually guards the other team's best player.

    She was scoring a lot of points, getting a lot of offensive rebounds. She is a great player, but I have five very good players that could beat out a great player, and that's what it was about.

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