Nate Harris Quotes (17 Quotes)

    If guys can't be ready for this one, then something is wrong. This is obviously a huge game. We know what Hawaii is capable of. They took care of us pretty good at their place. We'll be ready, and guys will respond well.

    Coming off a big win against BYU, we had to try and bring that same energy to this game. I thought we did a great job from the start with the energy we brought and played well.

    I wasn't quite ready to go. I just took a few extra seconds to take it all in and say good bye one last time.

    It's easy to allow yourself to get in that kind of a bad mindset, and we kind of did. Our play showed. We had streaks of good basketball and streaks of really bad basketball. That's something we have to fix.

    He was shooting the ball great. With that being said, we lived by the three way too long. It was good that we were shooting good, but we've got to find a way to balance out.

    When I was in high school and would ride along with my dad, I thought of how cool it would be if we were cops together. I always thought if the opportunity presented itself, I was going to try to get on with Fairview Heights.

    We always thought we could do it, that's what has made it a little more sweeter this year. People have counted us out sometimes, we've been proving them wrong all season. It's good to be here.

    I think it's a combination of a lot of things. We have a good arena, we always get a good crowd, and the travel is difficult for teams coming in here.

    I thought we responded great. We expected things like this to occur and the guys have responded and played well.

    It's easy to relax when you jump out to a 13-1 lead. After that, they pretty much beat us the rest of the first half. We kind of relaxed a little bit after getting a big lead. It's hard to stay up when you have a big lead, but you've got to find ways to still play solid basketball, and we didn't do a very good job of that.

    We always thought we could do it, a lot of people probably didn't think we could. That has made it a little more sweeter this year. ... It's good to be here.

    We want to focus on one game at time but at the same time we know we have to win out in order to get the highest seeding we can a chance to get second or a chance to get third. We don't want to fall down into the fourth or fifth spot that would be bad for us.

    This is a good way to finish it off. This is a little more sweet for me personally this time. ... We have come a long ways since I've been here. It's been nice to be a part of that.

    When we came up on the board, we almost tore coach Morrill's house apart. It was awesome.

    I've enjoyed the experience today. We battled all night long. I'm sure in a couple days or weeks I'll look back and be able to look at my whole career and realize the things we did.

    It's been good for me. It kind of settles you down. You get more regular sleep and eat better. Since she's involved in athletics, she understands the travel and what goes into it.

    A lot of times. That shot is going to go in 99 out of a 100 times or about 65 percent of the time. It was a just a little chip shot that goes down a lot of the time. Now it doesn't even matter. I can forget about it. It makes the getting over process a lot easier.

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