Nathan Brown Quotes on Leading & Managing (4 Quotes)

    But through maturity Trent has improved a lot and the effect that a good leader can have on a side is enormous. It's just the small things like leading the kick chase - he's putting his hand up to do a lot of the shitty things and by doing that he's challenging others. A lot of that comes through maturity and being taught about leadership.

    When I first got the job I didn't think that we lacked leadership. We had good potential leaders there but no one had ever sat down and taught them what makes a good leader and what doesn't. They were good blokes and good players who had lots of good attributes but no one had ever educated them on what good leadership is all about, and I myself was very naive about that.

    If the constitution is adopted, it will be over the objections of the Sunni leadership. To expect that to be able to resolve the insurgency is simply unrealistic.

    Ray McLean said it's definitely a three-year process and I don't think you can underestimate the value of good leadership,

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