Ned Yost Quotes on Night (6 Quotes)

    It's just a day game after a night game. Miller would be catching if we were playing a night game.

    If you're on that night, it doesn't matter who you are. You're going to be tough to beat.

    We're over the hump for tonight. You never want to get there (.500) and keep falling back like we did. Again, we're over .500 tonight. We got to make sure we stay over .500 again tomorrow night.

    How about a little mental intensity How about substituting some of that if you get tired Let's develop it. It's a habit of giving all that you have three hours a night.

    Corey gave it everything he's got. He might have dove just a hair early, which jarred him when the ball did hit his glove. We had trouble catching fly balls tonight. . . . It was one of those nights.

    Boy, the infield is like concrete out there. Ground balls get by you in a hurry. We can use the good weather to get our work in but you'd like to see a little rain at night to soften up the fields a bit.

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