Ned Yost Quotes on Time (18 Quotes)

    They're one of the elite teams in the league. Any time that you play the measuring stick, you want to beat them.

    I'm thinking about a lot of things. I don't want guys not playing an extended amount of time.

    That's going to be the hardest thing I'm going to have to do this season is finding Billy Hall playing time.

    You just kind of felt that. I turned around and said, 'Prince is going to win it for us right here.' He's too good a player, too good a hitter, to have it go an extended amount of time.

    You don't really count on scoring five runs against Roger Clemens. He didn't have great stuff but the thing about that kind of pitcher is that he finds ways to compete even when he doesn't have his best stuff. Any time you beat, you've done something.

    I know these guys will play with a lot of heart and a lot of pride. I knew it was matter of time before we got it going again.

    You really can't count on scoring five runs off of Roger Clemens, but tonight, luckily, we did. Any time you can beat him, you've done something.

    He was throwing as hard a fastball as he's had all year. He got it up to 93 mph a time or two,

    Billy knows his role. His versatility gives us a weapon at more than one position. He will get his playing time.

    Experience tells you he's not going to do it every time, but he's sure going to do it the high majority of the time. That's all you ask for.

    Tommy was vintage. He was as good as I've seen him in a long time.

    He's a professional player, a pro that you want your younger players to emulate. He will see a lot of time for us at third base. He could really help us.

    This is not a strict platoon basis. It doesn't have anything to do with the numbers (which favor a right-handed hitting batter against a left-handed pitcher). This has to do with finding Billy Hall playing time.

    John Smoltz is pretty good. He's been pretty good for a long time.

    For the first time, they actually can come into camp and live the dream of playing into October. There are a lot of things that have to go right, but for the first time we can dream about that in a realistic sense.

    He grew up in this atmosphere. So the expectations others had for him have never bothered him because they can't match those that he's had for himself for a long time.

    It was a win for Davis. We were hoping it'd be for Doug Davis, as well as Doug's pitched. Doug's been sitting on nine wins for a long time.

    Adams just made a mistake on a slider down the middle and the kid hit it out. And the bases just happened to be loaded at the time.

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