Nick Burgess Quotes (7 Quotes)

    It's the worst season I have had as far as records go after my first year of coaching. It is the first time I have ever been lower than third in the league. I have only been third twice in 32 years. Every other year we have finished first or second.

    I thought Holcomb had an easier draw, but it turned out that the freshman he faced in the first round ended up second at district. It turned out to be a really bad draw and he didn't wrestle well.

    Right now, he's 9-2. The two kids that he lost to were from out of state, at (Bennington, Vt.) Mount St. Anthony. He hasn't lost to anyone in the area yet. But there is still a ways to go. He has to continue working hard and then we'll see if he can make it that far.

    Nick England did an admirable job. The kid that he wrestled had pinned by him before at the Thomas Worthington tournament (Feb. 4) and Nick lost by decision in the sectional.

    Some schools are three or four deep in the 103-pound weight class. We haven't had one for two years now. On the other side of the spectrum we're also looking for a heavyweight. We need people on both ends of the spectrum.

    He beat O'Neil 8-0 this time. It just shows you that he has been working through everything and isn't one to give up.

    He has been impatient the whole year. He has always had the physical tools. The last couple of weeks he has been a lot more patient and everything is coming along to him at the right time.

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