Nina Tassler Quotes (27 Quotes)

    We look to our audience to tell us when they've had enough.

    It's always smart to have a healthy balance of traditional and non-traditional.

    We see all this as an opportunity to enhance the network's marketing power and distribution so that more people see our hit shows. Philosophically, we know we need to get our programming to the audience -- where they are, when they want to watch it.

    That (move) took 'Close to Home' from the verge of being canceled to being a successful show on Friday night.

    The truth is, you can't sort of bottle and prepackage a show like Desperate Housewives. But I think the nice thing is, we know that audiences are making a commitment to serialized drama. And absolutely, we're going to continue to develop in that genre.

    Audience viewing habits are evolving. And to that end, we want to be there with them when they want to view elements of their favorite TV shows.

    It's a kind of storytelling that we think will appeal to a Latin audience, but we think that our audience will enjoy it as well.

    In each episode, there is a significant dramatic event. You also have at the core of a lot of these stories a big, sexy, juicy love story.

    I think, clearly, there is something in the zeitgeist, ... but for us, it was based on producing the best pilot scripts that we had. . . . We don't literally go out to the community and say, 'Because that particular show is successful on another network, please bring us that.' We encourage writers. We encourage producers. We encourage directors. . . . They don't necessarily look to develop only based on what's successful at other networks. They sort of listen to their own inner voice.

    We're disappointed with the way some of our movies have performed.

    Dave Ramsey has the potential to be a true force on the television screen, combining a dynamic and inspiring persona with knowledge and expertise of how to make a difference in someone's life.

    Look, ... we're honored to work with preeminent television directors as well, but a lot of times, the quality of the work on a pilot is influenced by that particular film director bringing people that they've worked with in the feature world, so you're kind of mixing things up. I think the byproduct is exciting. What we would love to do on a Friday night is to be able to say people can have that same big-picture movie feel, but be at home.

    As long as there is a way to keep the audience current or refreshed in terms of the events in a character's life, they'll stay connected.

    Survivor' is that rare television breed -- a show with seemingly endless audience appeal, ... Part of that is testament to a concept with inherent drama that features different faces and places the other part is the ability of Mark Burnett and his talented team to inject new ideas and new wrinkles to keep the format fresh.

    We trust our producers to be creative in their storytelling and follow their creative path,

    I don't think anybody really knows where we're headed. But it is imperative that we make our content available to audiences where they are and when they want to watch it. Their habits are changing, and we have to be there when they want to see our hit shows.

    We're doing it in drama, comedy and alternative. But right now a lot of the stuff is under the cone of silence in the development world.

    We're going back to our original form. . . . We know that our audience loves that brand. We just tried something different, and we're going back to what I think everybody is really looking forward to.

    Our attitude is There is something for everybody, and the audience seems to be onboard,

    This is all emerging so quickly. My husband just learned how to e-mail, and yet my son has been communicating on his cell phone for the past two years. So I don't think anybody really knows where we're headed. But it is imperative that we make our content available to audiences where they are and when they want to watch it.

    Im part Latin, so everything in the Latin culture is theres a lot of hyperbole and theres a lot of melodrama. I think were going to modify it for our audiences.

    We'll be as competitive in the time period as we can.

    These series are the foundation of a schedule that is broader and deeper than any on television. From the start of the night through 11 p.m., from Monday through Sunday, CBS is populated with successful programs on every night and in every time period--many of which are number one in their time period, and some even number one on the entire night.

    I saw them in Spanish when I was a kid, because my grandmother watched them. Half of them I didn't understand, but they were a part of my experiences growing up.

    It started as a cultural phenomenon and has evolved into a consistent Top 10 show that leads off the most successful night of television on any network. We look forward to taking audiences to more exotic locations next season and introducing them to the next wave of ordinary citizens marooned as 'Survivor' castaways.

    Comedy was really our first priority heading into development season, and we wanted to reinforce Monday. And with Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Jenna Elfman, we have two big star vehicles for midseason.

    You know, we tried something. I don't think we were particularly successful with it, but sometimes you get criticized for not experimenting with a form. ... The nice thing is, when we come back to the next cycle, it's exciting. We're going back to our original form - five continents, great competitions - so we know our audience loves that.

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