Sign & Symbol Quotes (2107 Quotes)

    I want Omega Man to be the equivalent of any Caucasian superhero, like a Superman, Batman, a noble righteous character, ... That's what we're trying to do with Omega Man -- give you a symbol that is African-American but is 100 percent positive.

    When I was a ten-year-old book worm and used to kiss the dust jacket pictures of authors as if they were icons, it used to amaze me that these remote people could provoke me to love.

    When we did the sign outside, we did not do the cigarette or the mug of beer because it was going to be outside. I wasn't sure if the city would object.

    The IPO market gives the outward appearance of a rebound but that is a false sense of confidence. The market is firming up and there are definitely upgrades but not all the signs are clear.

    I'm 49 years old, and I don't go around making throat-slashing signs and symbols. I don't use that type of demeanor, and I never have. This is way blown out of proportion. I don't know where we get all these gang symbols and allegations. This is 'Gesture-gate' or something.

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