Tax Quotes (1704 Quotes)

    We passed over 2 trillion in tax relief for hardworking American families, we provided the president with trade promotion authority so that he could seek freer and fairer trade markets, and we approved a long overdue voluntary prescription drug benefit in Medicare for the first time in the program's history. He has been a great leader ... and we appreciate all he has done.

    He believes it is incumbent upon elected officials to do all they can to bring in new revenues without hiking taxes. The controller believes that we can bring more money into government by rooting out waste, implementing procurement reform, cracking down on tax cheats, and hiring more auditors.

    An executive might reach retirement with a taxable pension, taxable 401(k) distributions, and taxable deferred compensation distributions. We find great value in having various pots from which to draw cash flow in retirement. That way, our clients can help determine their tax burden based on which pots (nonqualified or qualified) we have them draw from to meet various expenses in retirement. As with most things, balance is the key.

    Noting that both firms sell to the government, Grassley charged them with evading U.S. taxes and making profits off the taxes of middle-class Americans who are paying their taxes honestly. ... in effect, renouncing their U.S. citizenship to cut their taxes.

    There are bad apples, as there are in any tax system. What puts this high on the radar screen is that people who don't pay already have collected the money at the point of sale.

    No one making less than $250,000 under Barack Obama's plan will see one single penny of their tax raised, whether it's their capital gains tax, their income tax, investment tax, any tax.

    Despite the same, tired old scare tactics of the special interests, under the governor's budget New York will continue to spend more money than any other state on providing quality health care to its citizens. If the special interests want the taxpayers to spend even more than the record amounts they already provide, then the special interests need to say which tax they would raise or what other area of the budget they would cut.

    What is realistic is to tax every business fairly. Only one in eight of Texas' businesses are paying for a franchise tax. The right way is to spread the tax out evenly the wrong way is to protect special interest.

    Though we had a good sales tax year, it's not enough to offset electric and fuel bills. We don't want to raise property taxes. We're looking at other growth to pay these bills.

    Although this procedural change comes after many have already filed their tax returns, about 60 percent of taxpayers still have yet to file. We wanted to do what we could, as soon as it was possible, to make the process easier for those still working on their taxes.

    We do not sell products. We stay within our area of expertise, which is tax, and we work with other advisors like lawyers, insurance experts, investment advisors to help clients solve their problems.

    It has long been clear to NTEU and many others that most taxpayers want to comply with the tax code, but they need help to do that. Cutting off that help will not increase compliance.

    Discount stores have really become an increasing portion of consumers' expenditures. Now there's talk of fluctuating energy prices, job layoffs, and people are looking for the best value possible, ... So we believe the discount stores are going to benefit disproportionately from the tax rebate. We expect Wal-Mart will be the leader in July.

    From setting up a business, through dealing better with construction licenses, improving property registration, hiring new workers, to paying taxes, contract enforcement and bankruptcy and access to credit - Serbia and Montenegro covered the waterfront.

    Just admit it, Tim, you raised taxes, ... He broke ties in the Senate, folks. That was his only duty as lieutenant governor. I know Governor Warner would be surprised to hear you took credit for 'budget reform.'

    As we face coming challenges like possible base closures and unfunded federal mandates that drain our budget and loss of vital services, we must assure our quality of life in Maine remains high, ... While many in Maine pay a high percentage of their income in taxes, others are not paying their fair share. That has to change.

    We just feel the state has to step up and start recognizing they have an obligation to towns like Acton and Sudbury and others to offset the continued reliance on local property taxes.

    Whether we look at capitalism, taxes, business, or government, the data show a clear and consistent pattern: 70 percent of Americans support the free enterprise system and are unsupportive of big government.

    It keeps the city and other jurisdictions from going after a home for nonpayment of taxes. There's no deadline for filing for it. They can file anytime, right up until they wind up in the courthouse.

    It just jumps out at you that this notion hasn't worked out in the real world. And if it did work out, maybe we should eliminate all the taxes and balance the budget.

    We recommend strongly the council consider these options. All of the taxes are not welcomed by residents and they may not be happy with it, but if you cannot reconstruct the cost structure, you have to look at these options.

    You can't take the tax cut back from the American people, so let's get busy and get serious about how we spend people's money and hold the line on spending. I hope Tom Daschle will be as energetic for holding the line against increased spending as he seems willing to take their tax cut away from them,

    Look, only in Washington is not raising taxes considered a tax cut. Nobody's getting a tax cut here. We're not cutting taxes. We're preventing tax increases from occurring.

    When my delegate Jeff Frederick, talks about holding the line on taxes, what he's really talking about is putting the burden for his failure to do his job on the backs of Prince William County taxpayers.

    They were getting only minimal relief, ... And I was concerned about property tax relief. I took a look at the average home owner in District 4, and the proposed plan only offered 18 a month or less in tax relief. That was not substantial enough.

    If we do this job right, and we have the ability to do so, we can allow the people of this country to fulfill one of the great American ideals having a tax code that they realize is civil and decent (and) treats them with respect. They can then comply with that code out of a sense of civic duty and personal responsibility and voluntary compliance.

    California does not have a revenue problem. California has a spending problem. Tax revenues are at all-time highs. All the things you hear about how this will decimate Nevada are untrue.

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