Oriol Servia Quotes (23 Quotes)

    I think just going to Vegas in general is always good. It's good for the series, good for the fans, good for the drivers. It's just a very different race in a very cool city. The event, it's always good fun. I know it's an important race for PacifiCare also. Last year they put a great show, Sebastien and Bruno. I hope this year we can do the same. Maybe we could reverse the order and would be welcome for all of us.

    It was good fun. At the beginning of the race, I was saving a little more fuel than both of them, hoping that maybe towards the end and on the third stop there was going to be a yellow on that three-, four-lap difference, then it would have been golden, two laps ahead of everybody. It would have been nice. It was a good race, and I'm very happy for the team. 1-2 again. For the championship, I don't know exactly how the points are, but obviously I must be a little better, a little more solid in second place. It's a good weekend thanks to my PacifiCare team.

    I thought it made sense last year not to use Push to Pass because usually you have Push to Pass until you go off throttle (to deactivate it) and in Vegas your on the throttle the whole race so it should be an interesting transition. I think it's a little strange but if everybody has it, I'm sure it will be fun. Everybody will probably wait to use at the end of the race because you don't want to use it too early then not have it for the last lap which is when it counts but who knows, maybe that will be too late. It's a new factor and the good thing is that I'm in the best team and they'll tell me what to do I don't have to think, just drive.

    It was absolutely great and I am so overwhelmed. So much people call me and congratulate me on this win. Now that I did it once, ... I want it again. We made the network news in Spain and that was tremendous.

    Newman-Hass has the setup figured out here, so we're in good shape. We're four tenths of a second clear. That's impressive.

    It's a shame. It's just the nature of the game.

    In Las Vegas last year my previous team had a little issue in qualifying. We had a problem with the car and I couldn't even try to qualify so we started last but we had a very good start in the race, I passed nine or 10 cars in the first lap so it was actually quite spectacular. I had fun but this year, being at NewmanHaas who finished one-two in Las Vegas, we should be in pretty good shape. Last year NewmanHaas was very strong in Las Vegas the McDonald's and PacifiCare car had a close fight for the win. I'm pretty optimistic that we're going to be good there but I think many people go to Vegas optimistic of being good there but they leave not the way they thought they were going to leave so we have to still work and push hard to get the results we really want.

    For me it's great timing because we announced my ride today and now I will get to go talk to media around the country. It's the first time that anything like this has ever been done and I think it's really good for Champ Car. I think it's great that we can go around the country and get out in front of the fans as well and the media and the sponsors.

    I think just going to Las Vegas in general is always good. It's good for the series, good for the fans, good for the drivers. It's just a very different race in a very cool city. The event, it's always good fun. I know it's an important race for PacifiCare also. Last year they put a great show, Sebastien and Bruno. I hope this year we can do the same. Maybe we could reverse the order which would be welcome for all of us.

    I wasn't that far behind Sebastien and I was on a very fast lap when the red flag came out. But, tomorrow, everybody will be faster and we'll see what happens. I know I have a very good car because it's the same one that Bruno won in last year.

    I'm glad they did the right thing, ... If not, I can tell you, that last lap in the hairpin was going to be ugly.

    They have the money, the people, the technology and the sponsors. It's NewmanHaas. But the spirit is something that has surprised me. You really feel the passion. They are real racers, from Carl and Paul all the way to the guys who drive the trucks.

    Its just the nature of the game. Everybody wants to win the first race and get to the first corner in front.

    Bruno is my friend and I talk to him as much as I can. I want him to get better as soon as possible and get back to racing. I know I'll have to begin worrying about what I do next year pretty soon. I really just started thinking about that. Maybe I should be calling some people now, but I'm just enjoying this so much that it's hard to think about that.

    It's great to be a contender for the championship even if I only have a slim chance, ... The team believed in me from the start and so did PacifiCare so I am glad to give them all the podiums so far and especially the win in Montreal and put them in the position of fighting for another 1-2 finish in the championship. There are two races left and two opportunities to win and were going to try our best to do this. Bruno brought PacifiCare wins in Montreal and Australia last year and it would be nice if I could do that for them again this year.

    They told me (on the radio), 'You've got to go by Glock.' That was not a very clear message, ... I wasn't sure if that meant he was going to let me by or they wanted me to try to pass him. I thought, 'If he doesn't let me by, I'm going to try it.'

    I've always been quick here but the truth is I've never had a good race,

    Anyway it's good for (Servia). I'm satisfied with my result. It's good for him to win a race. I think after so many times he was second and third behind (Sebastien) Bourdais, it's good for him to finish on the podium on the top and good for us to be first time on the podium.

    The car was very good even with the wind. We knew that no other team was going to beat us, with or without wind strategy. We went out there with the big wind. It was very good. I'm just very happy. The car felt actually quite decent in traffic earlier, so I think once now we change it a little bit for the race, going to be even better. Again, the race is very long. Is the last lap that counts, so we need to get there safe. That's the main thing. Hopefully we can put the PacifiCare car again in the top of the podium.

    I believe he's the fastest man on the planet.

    I tried to line up Timo so many times but he was determined,

    I think we're starting in the best possible position, so we're all ready for tomorrow,

    It's set up like Sebastien's car and he is very fast. I told them when I get within two tenths of a second of Sebastien, then I'll change it. It's hard to beat him. He's been in the car for two years. But I'm getting there.

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