Orison Swett Quotes (10 Quotes)

    Existence without an aim, without a worthy purpose, is worse than wasted

    He is the richest man who enriches his country most in whom the people feel richest and proudest who gives himself with his money who opens the doors of opportunity widest to those about him who is ears to the deaf eyes to the blind, and feet to the lame. Such a man makes every acre of land in his community worth more, and makes richer every man who lives near him.

    The glow of satisfaction which follows the consciousness of doing our level best never comes to a human being from any other experience.

    What keeps so many employers back is simple unwillingness to pay the price, to make the exertion, the effort to sacrifice their ease and comfort.

    Superiority -- doing things a little better than anybody else can do them.

    The lack of opportunity is ever the excuse of a weak, vacillating mind. Opportunities Every life is full of them. Every newspaper article is an opportunity. Every client is an opportunity. Every sermon is an opportunity. Every business transaction i

    Great men are but common men more fully developed and ripened.

    We cannot rise higher than our thought of ourselves.

    There is no failure for the man who realizes his power, who never knows when he is beaten there is no failure for the determined endeavor the unconquerable will. There is no failure for the man who gets up every time he falls, who rebounds like a r

    You know from past experiences that whenever you have been driven to the wall, or thought you were, you have extricated yourself in a way which you never would have dreamed possible had you not been put to the test. The trouble is that in your everyday life you don't go deep enough to tap the divine mind within you.

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