Patricia Edwards Quotes (14 Quotes)

    It's a nice gesture and it will buy them positive publicity. If this gives them the ability to build stores in Maryland and other places that have not been very pleased with them, it will be money well spent.

    To skip straight over moderate and go directly to the low- end consumer doesn't make sense. It would be a tough sell for Kohl's to get him, let alone a Wal-Mart.

    I told parents that if John L. Smith had been there to tell parents how to help their children get on the MSU football team, there would have been a packed house,

    They had an absolutely fabulous quarter as far as the holidays were concerned. They had a lot of must- have items that hit you the second you walked in the door.

    There are so many moving parts right now. It's like watching someone walk through a bedroom in the dark. You're not sure if they're going to make it to the bathroom or stub their toe.

    All the parents were promised things, and they never gave them.

    It is really difficult for Wal-Mart to go into a new country and just build from the ground up. They're doing it in China. But if you look at anywhere else they have gone into, they have always partnered with a local company of some sort.

    They have very slim margins already and I find it hard to believe that they're not going to have to step up and do more in terms of health care and that's going to affect their margins, and therefore their earnings.

    I told God he had to give me the strength of 10 people. And you know, he did. That's the only way I could have managed something as crazy as this.

    If I live to be a couple hundred years old, the story will not change,

    For the Wal-Mart audience, it's absolutely a factor. It is hurting a lot of people's back-to-school shopping.

    They take care of their people. And they expect their people to take care of their customers in response.

    This is not going to hit Wal-Mart in the next quarter. It will be hanging out over it like the sword of Damocles.

    If parents don't plant the crop, they won't reap the harvest,

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