Patrick Pass Quotes (7 Quotes)

    Knowing your role is basically putting the team first. I've done everything I could do. I've won individual stuff in high school, and I've been the man. Winning with the team is the most important thing.

    They can go down the field and stretch the defense, which is what Ben did. He went straight down the middle and caught a touchdown.

    I love blocking for that guy. There's no telling where he's going to run the ball. I love getting in there, do what I do for him. He's a great runner. I'm very proud of him.

    He is a great guy, a presence on the field and in the locker room. It's up to him and his family on when, and if, he is going to make a return to football.

    This is a team sport. It's a team game. I think any time someone goes out like that, the next person has to come up and do the job. And I'm the next person in line. So I have to be ready with my assignments. I have to perform like I've been doing the last few years.

    It's always fun, especially in your hometown. It's wonderful to have your mom and kids in the stands.

    I was just trying to concentrate, to make a play to put the team in a great position to score a touchdown.

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