Patrik Elias Quotes (31 Quotes)

    It always takes a little time to adjust and get something going. We didn't play badly and give up chances and that's fine, but offensively we didn't have anything going.

    We've been in this situation how many times and we know that the fourth win is the toughest.

    We didn't do a good job defensively tonight. We were always missing by half a second.

    Listen, I've been here my whole career. I've accomplished something here. I put myself in a good position. I worked hard for where I'm at. They've given me an opportunity to succeed, so I'm happy for that. But on the other hand, there's things that could be an issue.

    We wanted to play real patient hockey. Obviously when you have the start like we had it helps. No question.

    I don't know if I ever said that to myself. There were a couple of times that I felt OK and then all of a sudden I started feeling like (garbage).

    I was afraid of him. Here (I) was a 175-pound guy coming here. Here's this guy, 222 or 225 pounds, with paws like a bear.

    We had a lot of opportunities. We would've been in trouble if we couldn't score on those chances. It was just one of those nights where everything went in for us.

    I'm more nervous than excited, actually. I felt okay the past couple of days, no pain, no problem. I feel good conditioning-wise and hockey-wise. It's going to take awhile. I'm a little too quick for my hands right now. My hands are not that good.

    You've got to give the man credit. (He stepped) into a position he hasn't been used to, he wasn't in for quite a while, obviously not at this level, at the NHL level.

    We don't want to pinch ourselves now. We're feeling good about the game we have been playing. We know the series we played, they had a couple of injured guys but that doesn't take anything away from the game we played or what we accomplished.

    I got a pretty good check on that guy, and he lost control of the puck.

    I have been here my whole career. I have accomplished something here and proved myself in a good position. I have worked hard and gotten an opportunity to succeed, so I'm just happy for that. On the other hand, there are things that can be an issue.

    It's gonna be special. We're finally going to have a full building, because there'll be a lot of Rangers fans there, too. We're excited to be going against one of the best players in the world. It should be a lot of fun.

    They're in a difficult situation it takes awhile to turn it around. After the new year we're 7-0. And the last couple of games, we haven't played our best games but we've found a way to win.

    It's going to be an issue obviously. It's going to be on my mind when the time is right. Not right now. I am just happy that I can play.

    Everyone is doing their job right now. We're doing the things we have to do and we're playing good hockey. We're feeling good about ourselves.

    Czech team officials told me they needed to know, that I needed to make a decision that day. I was sore and wasn't even thinking about playing. After five to six days now, I know I made the right decision. It's still sore and I wouldn't have been a help.

    We had a lot of power-play opportunities. But on a couple of goals we got some bounces. It was a good start for us.

    This is an unacceptable loss for us. We had the game in our hands and we lost it. We lost a very important point.

    It's always a rivalry between us and with all the Rangers fans, we'll finally have a full building. We know what happened in 1997 when they knocked us out (the most-recent time they met in playoffs). This should be one of the best series.

    We figured out a little bit the last 11 games and the last few weeks that we like to play and what we have to do to be successful. We've just got to keep it going.

    No matter what happens in these games, power plays play a big part and we haven't been sharp at it. We worked really hard tonight. There was no one that didn't try. It's just that they scored on their chances and we didn't.

    It was just a feeling that you could score any time you have the puck. He works hard, and he's getting rewarded for that.

    We were warned before the game that they are going to keep calling the penalties the way they did in the regular season. This was more emotional today because we know what's on the line.

    He was just huge. I was afraid of him. You had a 170-pound guy coming here and he was 220, 225 with these paws like a bear. I was pretty intimidated the first few years. I'm happy he was on my side the whole time.

    He was just huge. I was afraid of him. Here I was a 175-pound guy coming here and this guy is 220, 225 with paws like a bear. I was pretty intimidated.

    It says a lot about our hockey team. We can play against anybody.

    The most important thing is your health. I've been feeling pretty good the last four or five games. If I can play here I'm sure I can play there. I'm just happy to be part of it.

    I think that's the ultimate individual honor. If you're lucky enough to stay with one team, that's awesome.

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