Paul Kariya Quotes (26 Quotes)

    David (Poile) asked me about it. But it's been a long year. It's time to take a break.

    When a team's down, you've got to keep them down and not give them any life. We didn't do that and it's something that throughout the year we have to improve upon.

    When you have two five-on-threes like that, it's just unacceptable not to score. We just didn't make the right plays. We were making bad decisions and that's the way you lose games.

    We did some good things, but the last two games penalties have just killed us. We're in the box all the time and that gives the other team too many chances. They got three or four power plays in the third period and finally got one. Then in overtime, we have a 4-3 advantage and they score -- that's unacceptable.

    People who know hockey know this team. I came here because I liked what they had going.

    You can't win games if you're in the box all the time. That's our problem. It's been our problem all year.

    It shows good character to come back and win some games. Once we got the puck deep and used our speed we got some goals,

    As a visiting player, ... you see the hotel, the Morton's and the rink. But it's really a cool place.

    They showed a commitment to me that I was the guy they wanted to bring to Nashville, and I was very excited about their hockey club.

    And you don't have to deal with one-hour drives, ... Every time you ask somebody where something is the answer's the same 15 minutes away.'

    To me, that's irrelevant. What difference does it make to the guys in the dressing room if people in wherever know who they are

    Obviously they didn't have their full lineup, but we'll take the win, and any time you get six goals, that's good for us.

    That was probably one of our worst games on the trip. We were in the box all game killing penalties and we're a horrible team when he have to kill that many penalties.

    The power play has basically been totally shut down and that's obviously something we need to help us out. The way the game is called today, you need at least one power-play goal per game. We were getting two per game for awhile, but we're not now.

    It's always a special game to play in the place that you grew up. I spent a number of years here and I don't know any other home.

    He's been playing extremely well. He sees the game well, and he has great speed and anticipation. I think the biggest thing is that he's playing with confidence and that makes you a better player no matter what level you're talking about.

    We're in the middle of a rut right now, and we're going to have to get ourselves out of it. It's a very competitive conference, and we have to win some.

    They are a great hockey club and a very disciplined hockey club. With our speed we got some more power plays today and that was crucial.

    We've been pretty good. We've had some good games and some bad games, but we've started to play well and see each other out there.

    I've love to get the opportunity again. But to be honest on my end I haven't heard anything. Obviously I don't get too much Canadian press down here. I'm in the dark really.

    I think part of it is luck. Some years you just happen to get injured and other years you don't. I don't think I've done anything different.

    As an expansion franchise, the first two or three years, they were just happy to be in the league. But once you go through that, over time, you get better and you expect more.

    I thought we moved the puck around pretty well and we got some traffic in front of their net. But this is a long series, and they've got a great hockey club. We've got to improve our effort.

    I hadn't really played in a year-and-a-half, so it was good to get out there and get back in the flow. I'm still a little bit rusty and I'm not thinking the right things in the right situations. But that's what happens when you have a long time off.

    We're definitely very happy to get that many points against that good of a team. It's hard to explain. Sometimes your expectations of what kind of game it is and what kind of score it will be are exactly opposite of what happens.

    We didn't execute, we didn't work hard, we didn't finish our checks. If you give that team the time and space with the puck they're going to take you apart. We didn't take away time and space.

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