Paul Martin Quotes on World (5 Quotes)

    As the relief effort becomes more organized, short-term needs are effectively addressed and it is crucial that the world turn its attention to assisting in long-term reconstruction,

    The work of Mr. Wiesenthal and the organization that bears his name has had a significant influence on Canada and has contributed to the creation of our own War Crimes Program, designed to examine all allegations concerning the presence in Canada of suspected war criminals from either the World War II era or more recent conflicts. Canada stands with others to acknowledge the immeasurable contribution this man has made to the fight against impunity and for accountability for the most serious crimes. The Simon Wiesenthal Center, including its Toronto office, the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies, will ensure that his voice continues to be heard.

    As a people, we know what we can do, we know how to do it, and we just want to get on with it. How? By ensuring that Canada's place in the world is one of influence and pride.

    With the rise of China, all we should see is opportunity. Canadian businesses, large and small should be doing as you have done, developing and implementing strategies for China. Only by acting now, and with vigor and determination, can we help to ensure that future generations of Canadians will benefit from the opportunities presented by a rapidly changing world, by a rapidly growing China,

    Our world is changing it is growing more competitive. Tomorrow, as today, a quality education and the right training will be the keys to success.

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