Peter Cardillo Quotes on People (10 Quotes)

    That's positive for the market, because consumers feel the economy is going well. After yesterday's (Monday's) declines, people are coming back into the market and earnings are good.

    For many months, the 'old economy' stocks were out of favor, but now people are starting to take some money off the (technology stock) table.

    Now that the market has made a tremendous upward move and the large cap stocks are at their highs, more people are looking at smaller companies for some better values.

    The events of the weekend changed market psychology and people are using that as an opportunity to take profits after the huge rally, ... Markets had rallied on the certainty of war and on the belief that it would be quick and with few casualties. But we're seeing that's not the case. The breaking down of the Iraqi army that was talked about in the first few days was clearly overstated.

    There are some good stories out there, and I think people are looking at them, ... You have the tech stocks doing better than the other, with chips up because of TI. There are also a few specific issues that continue to hold the Dow back again, as was the case yesterday.

    People realize we have an employment number, and if it shows accelerating wage pressure, that would rekindle the fear that the Fed may have to raise (interest rates by half a percentage point),

    The Fed's choice to hold rates steady was no big surprise. People may have been using that as an excuse to sell at the top of a trading range, ... And we're probably going to be in a bit of a trading range until we get some new economic data that makes people want to move one way or the other.

    The market has been saying all along that the recovery is strengthening. The retail and ISM Institute for Supply Management news today confirms that. Now with the Thanksgiving holiday out of the way and recent fears of terrorism on the back burner again, people have come back from the weekend ready to buy again. This is probably the start of the year-end rally.

    Markets are basically in a holding pattern. We had some good economic numbers, but it's Friday ahead of a long Christmas weekend so people aren't going to make much a commitment.

    There was some light profit-taking ahead of the (Easter and Passover) holidays. Volume is not that heavy and people are just waiting on the sidelines.

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