Peter Cosgrove Quotes (9 Quotes)

    A part of Kopassus has a unique, military counter-terrorist function in Indonesia, and it's that particular part of Kopassus where we're looking for heightened levels of cooperation.

    I was the sort of loose forward who lay contentedly on the bottom of a ruck, composing sonnets on the one hand and, on another plane, contemplating applying the squirrel grip to an opponent.

    I'm very relieved about the low cost in human terms with violence virtually stopping after our arrival, low cost in lives to INTERFET and our adversaries,

    This is a difficult period for all, but in the true spirit of the armed services, they will not be forgotten.

    I talk to friends in Allentown, in Philadelphia, in Washington, D.C., and they all follow Gerry. Kids everywhere love him, maybe because he looks like a kid himself.

    The last two have been pure hell, snow on the ground for months. But Gerry makes them go by quicker. Twice a week he gives people something to look forward to.

    I think we've got to train the Iraqis as quickly as we can and to a point where we take one of the focal points of terrorist motivation away, and that is foreign troops,

    He's not a 40-minute a night guy, no one is at that level. But he has done that on occasion.

    This is one of the most complex, challenging and most successful military operations we have ever run,

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