Peter Doyle Quotes on Business & Commerce (4 Quotes)

    Doyle's second selection is Fidelity National Corp. Basically when anyone buys a home they need to get title insurance. And this company is the dominant player in that business, ... And it is kind of what I consider printing money. It trades at about seven or eight times earnings. I think a lot of people doing refinancing and a lot of business being generated.

    They own two very fast-growing cable stations Home and Garden and the Food Network, and their using the Internet to increase advertising and also have some commerce from that,

    Either a business has good economics or it doesn't. If it's not going to be good for a three-month period, it won't be good for a long period of time, and vice-versa.

    Operational efficiencies resulting from management interventions over several years, in terms of improved cost management, better quality of new business, more focused premium collection and more competitive investment performance in particular, are largely responsible for this incremental value-add for stakeholders,

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