Randy Bly Quotes (19 Quotes)

    We were fully anticipating some price increases beginning this weekend. It appears that maybe the storm damage isn't going to be quite as bad as we thought. That would be excellent news for motorists.

    We were somewhat taken aback. Normally, what we see after a very busy holiday travel season is demand dropping off. Unfortunately, this year, we're seeing just the opposite.

    We'll probably continue to see rising gas prices just beyond the Labor Day holiday.

    You really started to notice when it got under the 2 mark. But now it's, 'Oh, boy, here it comes up again.' Many people thought prices would drop after the holidays, which they usually do.

    We went through uncharted territory this past year, with twin hurricanes taking out a huge part of our petroleum industry along the Gulf Coast. That has never happened before, and it's never hit with a Labor Day holiday.

    There's a lot going on, and none of it really looks good for gas at the retail level. For the foreseeable future, I think prices are going to stay above average.

    We're going into the weekend expecting to see price increases, no doubt about it, should the forecast with Rita pan out. There's no way to predict how much gas prices will be up for Rita.

    In years past, we usually did not see much of a change in the pattern of people taking trips. But we're kind of in uncharted territory dealing with high crude oil prices and seeing gas over the 2 mark - this is all new. Overall, I think people will still take those vacations. But I think they will compensate by cutting back in other areas.

    We recommend keeping your cars well maintained, checking air pressure in your tires and combining errands into one trip to save gas. If everyone did that, the conservation efforts would make a huge difference on the price factor.

    It's all happening at the same time, and we certainly expected prices to increase somewhat but not to this extent.

    Gasoline is the classic commodity. It's very sensitive to world issues.

    While it's normal to see gas prices rise for the holidays, we just don't know how much prices will fluctuate until spring arrives.

    Some refineries are temporarily off-line for annual spring maintenance and changing over from winter blends of fuel to summer blends to meet Environmental Protection Act requirements. But, although there is volatile market futures speculation, the strong domestic supply we now have should bring prices lower before Memorial Day weekend.

    I think we bounced back rather remarkably. I think we're going to be even luckier this time around.

    I think gas at 3 a gallon and up is going to be the rule here, as we get into the Labor Day weekend.

    We expected it to happen, but it looks like we are running out of time for that. Are we going to hit 3 We are not that far from it under normal circumstances, are we If you add a hurricane to that, I wouldn't be surprised.

    I haven't seen a scenario quite like this in the 21 years I've been with AAA. This is certainly taking longer than we expected.

    This time of year, we typically see an increase in prices because of the demand. We're looking at the beginning of the spring break season. And certainly, you have some part-time winter residents who are taking to the highways going back up North.

    This requirement, coupled with on-going strong demand and unrest in the Middle East, will keep the cost of gasoline over the 2 mark in the foreseeable future.

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