Rich Aurilia Quotes (17 Quotes)

    But I'm also at a point in my career where I feel I can play a bunch of different places, and I could play every day a couple days here, a couple days there.

    I see no positive effect that can come out of this. I can see the good intentions, maybe, of what they think they're doing, but what are you going to change that's happened in the past Absolutely nothing. The (steroid testing) plan we have in effect now is supposed to change the future, which is the only thing you can really control.

    The guy's our ace. He pitched a hell of a game today, one of the best games I've seen him pitch,

    I don't think anyone would have picked these four teams. Maybe St. Louis, because Arizona had some injury problems. But it's like an NCAA pool out there. You never know what's going to happen.

    In a weird way, it's good and bad being an insurance policy. Do I like to do it No, because I know I can play every day. At the same time, if I'm going to play every day somewhere on the field a majority of the time, that's fine.

    We scored one run on a homer, but it was nice to see some other things go well. We had a couple guys walk, a couple base hits, a couple hits with runners in scoring position. Those are the little things you have to do to win. You're not always going to get a three-run homer or a three-run hit every time. You have to do the small things, and that's what we did today.

    A couple of guys got walks and a couple of guys got hits. You can't hope for a three-run homer ever time.

    The one thing I wish would have happened was we would have scored one more run for Milton. I wish he could have gotten a win out of that instead of a no-decision.

    He could have Babe Ruth hitting behind him, ... and they'd still walk him.

    He's kind of sneaky. He throws across his body a little bit. The first time you face him, you've got to feel him out a little bit.

    I think finally in the middle of August, beginning of September, I started feeling better again. I started feeling like myself, ... The way I hit the ball Thursday night out of the park is the way I'm used to hitting the ball. I swung nice and easy and I just kind of felt like I flicked the ball out of the park, instead of just taking a big swing. I'm just glad that it's coming around at this time of the season.

    When it really comes down to it, I really don't care where I play as long as I play. You could throw me in the outfield, I don't care anywhere but behind the plate, for now.

    It's kind of depressing when you lose like that. Teams like that, they win games like that. Seems like they always come out on top.

    I've played too long to let my ego get in the way, or my pride -- to say, 'I have to play shortstop' or something like that. You know what I played 10 years at shortstop. Can I still play there Yeah. But we have a good shortstop here.

    He's kind of sneaky. He throws across his body and he short-arms his pitches. You've got to feel him out. It took us a few times to get something going off of him.

    At that point, we had left 10 guys on base. We had had a couple opportunities, but we didn't capitalize on them. Getting off the hook like that was good.

    You know how it was for me earlier in the season when starts were scarce. I don't care where I hit, as long as I'm in there.

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