Rich Beem Quotes (13 Quotes)

    I think the past record shows that not much affects Tiger. Just try and shoot the lowest possible number you can and hopefully it will stick. He has earned the right to be the No. 1 in the world for a long time and he's going to be tough to beat.

    If he had said, 'No, let's pack it in for the year,' I would have said, 'That sounds good to me.' But I'm happy we both decided to hop on that Southwest flight out here Tuesday morning.

    Like I said, the kids, my family, really kind of put things in perspective. When I come home, my boy doesn't care whether I shot 72 or 92. He is just happy to see daddy and that's the coolest, I think.

    For a year, or probably two years after (the PGA Championship) I think I really put pressure on myself to play well and win again, whether it was a major or not. I really put a lot of pressure on myself. And it just didn't work. It wasn't who I am.

    My best finishes this year have been rain delays. I'm just hoping that Mother Nature is a real ornery (woman) tonight.

    Just think of it as a golf cart with a V-8. Call it the Silver Bullet, baby.

    The guy is just an animal. He's fun to watch.

    It's always nice to get out there on a fresh golf course, with fresh greens. The greens were perfect for all 18 holes, so it was a great day.

    I think the past record shows nothing affects Tiger. I don't think he's going to worry about what we're doing.

    The same routine, go home and do my laundry, feed the kids, put them to bed, watch a ball game,

    You always expect him up there. You see his name and you expect him up there. I mean, the guy is a phenomenal talent, swing changes, everything that he does with the golf club and golf ball are pretty amazing. You just kind of hope you catch him on an off week somewhere.

    I took a couple of weeks off this year and I didn't touch a golf club. I had no desire to. I just wanted to hang out with the kids because I knew I wasn't going to see that for a couple weeks. You don't want to miss a while of time with them. The golf game does suffer. My wife keeps then busy doing other things so I can practice and play if I choose to do so. I just haven't chosen to do so. I enjoy hanging out with them and spending some time with them.

    You just kind of hope you catch him on an off-week somewhere. You're not going to beat him. He's like a heavyweight fighter.

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