Richard Bergenheim Quotes on World (3 Quotes)

    This has been a difficult week for Jill's family and for us. Jill's deep love for Iraq and the Iraqi people have come out in the published statements by a number of her Iraqi friends and fellow reporters. She is committed to helping the world understand the great good to be found in Iraq and its people, despite the struggles it is going through now.

    We add our voice to those of Arabs around the world, and especially to those in Iraq , who have condemned this act of kidnapping. We ask that she be returned to the protection of her family immediately.

    Today is just a wonderful day of rejoicing. Jill's friends at the Monitor can't wait to see her and there is no way to thank everyone -- everyone at the press, everyone around the world, all government officials, all Iraqi people, our hearts go out to you in thanks. Bless you all for all that you have done to give Jill and her family this tremendous, wonderfully happy day.

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