Richard Durbin Quotes on Law & Regulation (4 Quotes)

    The Ku Klux Klan branded Johnson the most hated man in America wooden crosses were burned on his lawn. Judge Frank Johnson, ... was denounced as a judicial activist and threatened with impeachment. He had the courage to expand freedom in America. Judge Roberts, I hope that you agree America must never return to those days of discrimination and limitations on our freedom.

    following the arrest of Rosa Parks, Judge Johnson ruled that African-Americans of Montgomery, Alabama, were acting within their constitutional rights when they organized a boycott of the buses and that Martin Luther King Jr. and others could march from Selma to Montgomery.

    He said he had spent more time worrying and working over that decision than over any other decision he made when he was a judge,

    If we are going to enforce the laws to find the 1,000 federal gun dealers to trace the 57 percent of the nation's guns used in crime, we need more ATF agents,

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