Richard Geist Quotes (4 Quotes)

    It could increase people's anxiety, ... Extending the trading hours is going to keep them focusing on the market.

    These relationships can last for years if there's a sense of empathy on the broker's part, ... Clients leave a broker because of interaction that makes them feel terrible.

    If you have a long-term view of the market, this is one of the best buying opportunities we'll see for years to come, ... If you don't believe that, take a look at any stock market chart showing the past 60 years. Severe market retreats, which make everybody so anxious, look like tiny blips in an upward-spiraling market.

    Whenever you get a traumatic event happening in society, you tend to see certain reactions to it, such as irritability, depression, confused thinking and sleep problems, ... In that context, rational decision-making becomes very difficult. People tend to begin to let their thought processes be guided by their anxieties.

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