Rick McAllister Quotes (6 Quotes)

    It's not really about guns, it's about property rights. It wouldn't make any difference if it was guns or bananas.

    You will see some inside politics being played in the session. No question about that. Where folks see an opportunity, they will take it.

    It doesn't stop at Wal-Mart, it's either the right thing to do or it's not. If our country wants to say that health care insurance is a right of every individual in this country, then the government needs to have that debate.

    There's no question that we're going to see continued growth. Tallahassee is still having huge new population shifts, and you're going to see retail follow those shifts.

    I wouldn't trade our economy for any other state's. We seem to be the steady Eddie.

    The problem is the cost of health care is out of control. Most employers would love to be able to do it, but it's becoming more and more difficult because of the skyrocketing cost.

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