Rick Meckler Quotes (12 Quotes)

    Modest inflation is certainly not a negative for stocks. The general feeling is that this economy can handle these rate increases. You're getting to a point where people are starting to look back at stocks as a place to go in a time of economic growth.

    It was too much for the market to overcome. Otherwise, it could have been an even better year profit-wise if so much of (companies') earnings weren't deflected into energy costs.

    It's possible technology will start to take a leadership role, but what people are worried about is that as the economy begins to peter out, its always hard to take a group like technology as leaders, you would expect groups more like the financial stocks.

    The story you'll start to see people talk about as rates go up around the world is, what type of competition will there be for stocks.

    The alternatives to equity investment today, when money market rates are as high as they are, are much different than they were a year ago. It gives people more of a choice when there is some bad news.

    The worst of the earnings news is probably out of the way and expectations are probably back in line.

    Iran and GM are the dark clouds hanging over this market.

    People will be focusing on the 10 o'clock number. The market has shifted to a fear of recession, as implied by inversion of the yield curve, and consumer confidence could go a long way to restoring a more positive view.

    Oil's proving to be a very volatile factor, particularly coming off a remarkably warm winter. But it's going to stay in focus as long as political events are going on.

    There isn't enough good news right now to really get people involved. Most professionals and individuals are just holding, looking for some clarity on the transition in Iraq, looking for some clarity on the presidential election, and, perhaps more importantly, looking for some clarity from the Fed on rate rises.

    I think we're coming to the end of it. The rise of energy prices and the general impact of the hurricane would make it dangerous for the Fed to push rates higher and higher.

    You will see more and more concern that interest rates will have to continue to rise to cut back some (stock market) speculation.

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