Rick White Quotes on Internet (6 Quotes)

    Whether it's the cotton gin or the Internet, we've added value by innovating. Innovation and free trade have served us very well.

    The idea that the government can read anything you do on the Internet, ... probably doesn't fit very well with the traditions of this country.

    Most of Congress is sort of lost in cyberspace. They know there's something called the Internet out there. But most of 'em don't know how to use it and most of 'em aren't very familiar with it.

    But there they took a big risk of being caught. Now with the Internet, there was a feeling of security.

    A traveler case could happen in any town, anywhere in the country, ... With the Internet, the kid could be from anywhere.

    They're very well set up on the Internet, ... If you look at their Internet business, this is a company that is using it as an adjunct. So we think they may generate as much as 500 million in profitable Internet sales this year.

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