Ricky Rudd Quotes on Cars (4 Quotes)

    Nowadays, as they've been working on the cars and the quality control is getting a lot better, there's not a really a big difference. The cars are built specifically for different types of race tracks, whether it's a high-travel track or low-travel track, and that's what they go by. They go by data. It's past me, way beyond me now. But as far as me saying I've got a favorite car, they're getting stuff more consistent. I don't really see that anymore. They all seem to run about the same - unless they're purposely trying to make one differently, which they can do very easily.

    The car drove extremely well and the track has got a lot of grip, ... It's been a long time since I've come to Martinsville and had a car that could go like this one.

    I have been privileged to drive for some of the best. I also want to thank all of the talented and dedicated people I have worked with in racing over the years, the crew chiefs and the crew members, who put in so much time and effort to give me competitive cars.

    We're real pleased with that, ... There is nothing there for the guys to hang their head about. We came off the truck fast and only made a few changes to the car. It started in the spring race with a new car built for this race track. We had a good solid run and I don't think the car has been run since then. Our car will be good on long race runs. I'm more excited about the race than qualifying based on the long runs.

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