Rob Bois Quotes on Business & Commerce (5 Quotes)

    If Microsoft would put its stake in the ground on this, it could definitely make a pretty major impact in this business,

    It is very tightly integrated with Outlook and it will shift the landscape in the CRM business.

    A big benefit to software-as-service is that it lets companies get CRM in place quickly without the kind of budget hassles you see with buying applications, ... There's a feeling, especially among small and midsize businesses, that a hosted solution will help realize ROI more quickly.

    Some customers have the expectation that you flip a switch and you're done. But there are setup costs and training costs and ramp-up costs. There's getting the system customized to match the business context and then getting people to use the system. CRM implementations are still complex, even if they're delivered in an on-demand fashion.

    The vendors are selling fewer full suite deals, multimillion dollar soup-to-nuts implementations, and we see that reflected in how they are trying to build services-oriented architectures, so they can deploy modules rather than big-bang implementations, ... This allows customers to piece together the business functions they need -- even modules from different vendors -- to meet the specific demands of automatic processing rather than having to buy an entire suite at the outset.

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