Rob Jeter Quotes (21 Quotes)

    I thought we couldn't score 87 points with the swing.

    We wanted to make them work. We just tried to keep throwing bodies at them, keep the pressure on and hope we had enough. And we had enough.

    At this point in the season, everybody has experience. You can't make it to the tournament without growing up.

    It was the first time all year we had to play with him out of the lineup and for us it was an adjustment and a learning experience.

    I think we're playing some of our best basketball. We need to do that to advance in the tournament.

    Obviously, it was not one of our best games. But it was a conference opponent, a conference win.

    I never once thought about not having an opportunity. I figured if I worked hard, surrounded myself with good people, it would work out.

    We were unable to figure out how to get into the zone and get some easy baskets and it cost us the game.

    It's a responsibility to help others. To be a positive example. I want to be a role model for others, to help others like me get a chance.

    We have our hands full. It makes it tougher, no doubt about it. It's going to be a home atmosphere for Florida. We're going to be in a hostile environment. We have to do our best to keep the fans as quiet as possible.

    (Missouri State is) too good of a basketball team to have the turnovers we had. Missouri State is big, they're good, and we just need to take care of our opportunities. We let too many of them slip away.

    At this point in the season, you want to make sure you're competing and that you're fighting for everything and that you're not allowing anything easy. We're making teams work.

    He's such a dangerous scorer because he shoots it in a variety of ways. Our guys have done a good job of making guys uncomfortable shooting.

    We're too good a basketball team to have turnovers like that. Missouri State is big and they are good. We needed to take better care of the ball against an opponent like that. To turn it over that many times is not going to get it done.

    We just try to not allow anyone to get anything easy. We want to make them work. We just wanted to take away their easy looks and disrupt their timing.

    It's a 40-minute game. It's too bad we can't play 20-minute games because it would have been a different story. We just didn't do things correctly enough the second 20 minutes.

    I didn't care if we had to wait all night.

    I thought it was Milwaukee fans making all of that noise. That's great that they were cheering for us. I am sure they won't be cheering for us (today).

    It was flattering, but it couldn't have worked out any better the fact that we decided that I'm still a Panther. I've never considered any position I've had as a stepping stone. You put your head down, go to work and do things the right way and things happen. My conversation with Iowa State is something that happened.

    We have to make sure we keep them under control in transition, but we're still going to apply pressure.

    That's how I met my wife at a party. She liked to feel my moves, I guess.

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