Robert Fife Quotes (6 Quotes)

    That is where you will see a lot of give and take.

    The big issues obviously on the table will be border issues. Mexico and Canada are concerned about some of the steps the United States is taking in terms of the identity card and requiring U.S. citizens to have passports now when they travel into Canada and come back.

    Canadian industry is very happy because they're going to get a big chunk of that money back that's been held by the United States.

    Unlike the June vote when the Liberals pulled out all stops to survive, this time they aren't afraid of a fall election. In fact, party sources say they are already organizing for an early election. That's one of the reasons they are rushing to put together an energy rebate program.

    The Tories have to be able to force a vote next month. Otherwise, it gets too close to Christmas,

    They want to give him an opportunity to get fixed up with his diabetes, ... He'll be back on the job whenever that disease is under control.

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