Robert Hurst Quotes (6 Quotes)

    We want to avenge the loss. We're not used to losing - at this, at least.

    Having to pay the CBC for limited access ... We have a code of ethics. The code of ethics speaks to censorship. It says we won't stand for censorship and can't stand for it. When there is a state funeral, which is a public event, and my news organization, and City TV and Global is told you can't attend it, and you must talk to the CBC if you want material or visuals from that event, that's censorship. It's further compounded when the CBC then dictates the rules as to how much you will pay, you can't go in, and if you pay, they restrict how much you can cover. So that's a double censorship whammy. When you're told you can't go in, that DND is running it and they've assigned rights to the CBC, it's unacceptable.

    CTV News is primed to offer extensive coverage of this important event. We're pleased to have the opportunity to bring it to Canadians in High Definition.

    There are tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of people who would be proud to have this license plate on their vehicles. We feel that those people deserve the opportunity to buy that flag, to buy that tag and have it on their vehicles.

    Local responders are on top of disasters while it takes state and federal officials arrive many hours to many days later. Yet, we continue to see more and more layers from the top levels of the chain of command on down to us.

    Over the years, CTV, Global, City and CPAC have covered Canada's last surviving Victoria Cross winner in our news and public affairs programming. His state funeral was extremely important to our viewers. In our democratic society, openness and access to public events are the foundations of our free press. On Saturday, unfortunately, we were censored and denied access to a news event of important national interest,

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