Robert Marshall Quotes (4 Quotes)

    What that comparison told us was that the law was improving business, ... Last year the state collected 4,869,000 (in food and beverage taxes) and this year they collected 5,824,000. When you look at those two numbers theres clearly no drop in revenue. To the contrary, based on the information we have so far, the law is having a positive effect on businesses.

    It was that quick. They had to leave, ... They were actually going to stay. Then they saw how bad it was and they had to get out because the traffic was so bad ... in the mass exodus. They grabbed some things, but at that point, it wasn't a category five hurricane. It was still a category three. They didn't think they had to grab everything in their house.

    They can't stay because there's no electricity, there's no water, there's no sewage,

    Once you have a flavor in mind, it's really about what your supplier can give you. The more exotic ones are made by adding a mixture to a background flavor.

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