Robert Thompson Quotes on Movies (8 Quotes)

    The idea of taking this very modern 21st century story of tender love between two cowboys and putting it into the time period of an old Western opens up the floodgates for telling jokes. Comedians can't resist because we all know what a cowboy movie is and this challenges it.

    People expected to go in to see a movie, and it was like a guerrilla attack. No one was expecting it, especially in Manhattan.

    For some people, it's never going to be time for this event to be the subject of a movie. But that doesn't mean, I think, that we as a culture reduce ourselves to silence about it.

    Parents are now talking about kids staying home playing poker instead of going out to movies. It opened up this whole other area.

    The coverage we saw on September 11, and in that first week of Katrina, not only won't make this stuff go away, it ups the ante. You don't want to just see the Hollywood sign fall, you want the Statue of Liberty along with it.

    Sometimes a performance is best experienced with other people. The real advantage of television - that theater and the movies don't have - is you're allowed to talk through it.

    We underestimated what kind of acting chops this guy had, and we now see what he's able to do when he's given the right part. He's taken his considerable acting experience, melded that with his own kind of personality, melded that with the almost mythic history he brings to the part.

    The equity of our celebrities now exceeds the equity of the media that gave them status in the first place. Film, television and radio are now so fragmented that the one thing we all share is the celebrities themselves. Celebrity has become the one common denominator.

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