Robert Thompson Quotes on People (17 Quotes)

    There's no reason to believe if you had a whole bunch of really grisly stories -- and I'm sure there are grisly stories out there -- people wouldn't watch them,

    There are a lot of people not doing well in their alternative rock acts, who are turning around and looking at their friends in Grateful Dead bands, Elvis tributes, who are getting gigs. There was a demand for the original groups.

    VOD is perfect for established hits, and for reruns of shows that didn't have enough viewers to keep them on the air. 'Freaks and Geeks' had a lot of people watching, but not enough to keep it on the air. With VOD, you don't have to worry about getting a 15 share. If a show already had its network run and the production expenses are paid, anything after that is gravy.

    They like gimmicks and gizmos, ... They see these things as the constant promise in America that a new idea can change their lives. These people are frequently disappointed when they buy that can of spray to cover up their bald spot.

    This is to 'Star Search' what modern quantum physics is to Newtonian notions of physics. It's so brilliantly put together. For one thing, it's two different shows. There's the show before they pick the final 12, which is essentially a delicious reality show with lots of mocking of people, laughing at the people who are really bad and all that kind of stuff. And then it transforms after the final 12 into a really good, old-fashioned, family-friendly talent show.

    New Year's Day was the perfect time for football because you could roll out of bed and you could start watching football, even before you manage to mix your aspirin and water. The second (of January) is just not the same. Some people are going to have to get up. The dynamic gets broken. The whole calculus changes.

    People expected to go in to see a movie, and it was like a guerrilla attack. No one was expecting it, especially in Manhattan.

    There's a lot of people that are going to become homeless cause they can't afford to live anywhere.

    People watch four or five hours of coverage of a very sad story. Humor has always been a way to smooth that over. It's one of the ways you can process things.

    There simply are not a lot of really good movies that people were interested in. Every time a new element enters the field -- movies have to be better to attract people.

    For some people, it's never going to be time for this event to be the subject of a movie. But that doesn't mean, I think, that we as a culture reduce ourselves to silence about it.

    Geraldo was that voice in the news business who didn't mind giving his opinion . . . wore his heart and his opinions on his sleeve, ... Once upon a time, that was unusual. Now, turn on any cablecast and you'll see the same things. Geraldo is still a brand on its own . . . like Kleenex or Xerox . . . but there are a lot of people doing Geraldo these days.

    Sometimes a performance is best experienced with other people. The real advantage of television - that theater and the movies don't have - is you're allowed to talk through it.

    The opportunities exceed the ability of most people, even rabid fans, to consume. Because of that, are people going to quit watching I don't think so. They can't watch all of them, but they'll watch the ones they're most interested in.

    There's nothing a professor likes better than imposing his opinion on as large a number of people as possible.

    The hardest thing is going to be surviving the analysis of the first week. People are going to be talking about her hair and her clothes and her lipstick. She's going to be under a microscope, and people will judge success not by the slow (ratings) climb that Schieffer started, but by whether she completely turns CBS around.

    You could've done a killer 20-minute anthology of Motown that would've been educational to kids who didn't know what Motown was. And the people who lived through Motown would've loved its nostalgic value. ... But music is the hardest way to appeal to a mass audience because it's highly fragmented and you never get anything that everyone likes.

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