Robert Thompson Quotes on Place (8 Quotes)

    You can redefine the place of Mars in pop culture. It's close enough to interact with.

    If you listen to old radio mysteries or read early 20th-century science fiction, the place the invaders came from was Mars.

    There's a place for what Geraldo does in the universe of journalistic commentary. I'm just not sure they've always found the right place for him to be . . . including this new show.

    By the time this happened, the whole Martha Stewart style was beginning to show its age. What is strange is her being elevated beyond her fan base to world-class celebrity, thanks to a trial and conviction, and brought to a place in our culture that is much bigger than before.

    These kinds of characters are so satisfying to male viewers because culture has told them to be powerful and effective and to get things done, and at the same time they're living, operating and working in places that are constantly defying that.

    Elvis Presley Ate Here' is the cultural equivalent of 'George Washington Slept Here'. Every time a place makes a claim that Elvis ate there, it becomes a memorial to his memory, to his life and to his legend.

    The equity of our celebrities now exceeds the equity of the media that gave them status in the first place. Film, television and radio are now so fragmented that the one thing we all share is the celebrities themselves. Celebrity has become the one common denominator.

    I think to some extent the opportunity to go and take the place of an iconic figure of rock and roll, well, what's the psychology of not wanting to do that You'll see a kid play air guitar in a garage. It's the same thing. It's easy for these people to get teased, and some behave in ways that they invite it. But I don't think it's intrinsically sick or strange. What is colonial Williamsburg but people in historical drag

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