Rocco Calo Quotes (13 Quotes)

    What people made the decision on was the medical package. This company came to us six months ago with that and we told them that the membership was not going to accept it.

    We've said for weeks now that we are ready, willing and able to meet Sikorsky at the negotiating table and work out a fair contract that gets our people back to work and lets them maintain affordable health care benefits. What I do want is for both sides to fully understand the wide-ranging effects this situation is having on individuals, families, communities and the state as a whole.

    We've said from the start that this is about securing affordable health care benefits for these workers. The changes the company made in the recent proposal still do not address our members' greatest concern -- health care. The 1,000 increase in the signing bonus was not the only addition in the company's proposal there were several items that would severely hurt the members of this union. We have made a counter proposal and are awaiting a response from the company.

    Why do the rich get even richer, while regular working Americans can't even hold onto their basic health care benefits. The head of United Technologies raked in 13.4 million in total compensation and cashed out 83.6 million in stock options and he wants to ax health care for the 3,600 teamsters on strike at Sikorsky.

    Negotiators were prepared to discuss that issue today, but Sikorsky would rather play games than engage in good-faith bargaining that would get people back to work.

    Teamsters from all over the country will attend. We are hoping to bring to light our issues and urge the company to come back to the table.

    The Teamsters stood together in solidarity not just for ourselves and our families, but on behalf of all working Americans who find themselves slipping away from the middle class and the American dream. We will return to our jobs with our heads held high, knowing that our courageous actions against the power of big business in this country will ultimately make a difference.

    I'm very concerned about that. We are out here fighting for health care and the middle class. The middle class is the backbone of society and it needs to stop somewhere.

    It serves no one when one side is going through the motions of negotiations, but not seriously addressing the core issue that remains in contention. We are not asking for anything that will radically change the overall economics of the past proposals. Our

    They want us to have the same plan that they crammed down the white collar workers' throats.

    Why do the rich get richer while regular working Americans can't even hold on to their basic health care benefits The race to the bottom for the middle class must stop now.

    Sikorsky officials erroneously believe that negotiations mean we must accept their inferior and unacceptable contract offer. What is missing from the company's position is the normal give and take that occurs during good-faith bargaining.

    This isn't about money because Sikorsky has plenty. The company has said it wants to cut our health care to teach us a financial lesson. That's not right and it won't fly.

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