Rod Barnes Quotes on Time (6 Quotes)

    We've stayed with the older guys for a long time. Not that we're going away from them, but we've got to do something different.

    We're obviously going into this game feeling better about ourselves. I think our guys will be excited about playing. By the time we get there, they'll (State) be ready to play, and our kids realize that.

    I think we will get support. I think it's not where it needs to be, but it's gotten better. We're looking forward to having a good crowd. I think the rivalry (with LSU) from football might carry over to basketball. It will take some time, and wins, but it's better than it has been in years.

    It's one of those things that happened and happened at a tough time. But we've got to deal with it. ... We've got to go without him on Wednesday and lift each other up. He would want us to go out there and play well.

    Darrel's been scoring in this league ever since he's been in this league. He's a quiet guy that many people don't think about, but he's making buckets, shooting 3s and hurting defenses for a long time.

    We're giving a lot of guys opportunities. We've stayed with our older guys for a long time. Not that we're going away from them, we're just going to use (the freshmen).

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