Rod Nielsen Quotes (7 Quotes)

    We have a lot of very loyal customers that come to us for just about everything that they need. We're always talking to new acts about touring. It's not something that we thought was going to be a bread-and-butter for us, because being in Austin, we just don't see the same amount of big acts coming out of here as you would in L.A. or New York or Nashville. Those SR companies are going to get the first pick of the big acts that are going to be out touring and we accept that. But we're always talking to see what we can get out on the road.

    It would be an obvious next step in this line of research to address the validity of this hypothesis in humans, and it is something we are currently working at. It would also be very interesting to see if these findings can be replicated in other studies,

    Even though we find a lower risk of breast cancer among stressed women, let me just emphasize that stress cannot be considered a healthy response,

    So far the literature has focused on verifiable external stressors with less emphasis on how they are experienced by the individual, ... The same external stressor may result in different levels of stress in different people. A measure of self-reported stress therefore provides a better measure of the actual level of stress experienced by the individual.

    The mechanisms behind the observed lower risk of breast cancer among stressed women remain unknown,

    Stress is not a desirable state and it may lead to the development of other disease, particularly cardiovascular disease,

    Stress is a large problem, especially in the westernized world, and this study may help us understand some of the mechanisms behind breast cancer and how stress actually affects breast-cancer risk, ... Further, some women may partly blame their own stressful lifestyle when diagnosed with breast cancer. Hopefully, this and other studies may counteract such reactions.

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