Roger Enrico Quotes (18 Quotes)

    The creation of a closely aligned, separately managed bottler of this size would help us pursue consolidation opportunities and improve our performance in the marketplace.

    With a much sharper focus on the marketplace, we're generating healthy volume gains, better returns and higher earnings growth,

    Our goal is to produce consistent earnings growth of about 15 percent a year, (but) despite remarkably strong performances by many of our businesses, we fell well short of that in 1996,

    Together, these actions will dramatically sharpen our focus as a corporation, position us for strong consistent growth and, ultimately, help us to create a bigger, more profitable future for PepsiCo and its shareholders,

    Our goal is to make the Pepsi-Cola system a lot more competitive and a lot more responsive to our customers, ... This new structure will move us closer to that goal by taking greater advantage of our excellent leaders and creating units that will be sharply focused on their respective businesses.

    When I was elected CEO, I said I hoped to have the perseverance to stay long enough to get the job done and the wisdom not to remain too long, ... By the end of 2001, I will have been a part of the PepsiCo team for 30 terrific years. I'm sure it will be surprising to very few people that I now feel it is time to move on to creating a new chapter in my life.

    We are confident we will deliver a solid, high-quality first quarter, consistent with the consensus estimate, and we believe we will achieve strong results for the year, in line with our goals.

    We had a great year out of international last year and I expect to see real good growth this year,

    Our strength was broad-based, with solid earnings growth across every business, domestic and international, ... Our sharp focus on convenient food and beverages is paying off and we expect consistently healthy results to continue throughout 2001.

    We view this merger as great news, ... In general, larger bottlers can operate more efficiently, compete more efficiently against other big bottlers and, most important, better serve the needs of our rapidly consolidating retail customers.

    In really good companies, you have to lead. You have to come up with big ideas and express them forcefully. I have always been encouraged -- or sometimes forced -- to confront the very natural fear of being wrong. I was constantly pushed to find out what I really thought and then to speak up. Over time, I came to see that waiting to discover which way the wind was blowing is an excellent way to learn how to be a follower.

    Pepsi ( PEP Research , Estimates ) had been eyeing the Gatorade business for five to six years ... the time was right and we could handle it.

    As we look forward to 1998, we're very excited about our first full year as a pure packaged goods company,

    The changes we made last year, especially our restaurant spin-off, are allowing us to post good earnings per share growth at the same time as we invest aggressively to build our businesses for the future,

    Our second-quarter performance also confirms that we can sustain 12-to-13 percent EPS growth, with occasional upsides,

    Beware of the tyranny of making small changes to small things. Rather, make big changes to big things.

    While we all know the movie business is by nature hard to predict, I think it's reasonable to conclude that recent changes in the home video market caught us and many others in our industry by surprise,

    Recent changes in the home video market got us and others in our industry by surprise,

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