Roilo Golez Quotes (11 Quotes)

    Their participation will be limited to providing special equipment, training, and sharing of intelligence information,

    We realize that at the end of the day the majority can railroad this and use brute force, use the tyranny of numbers,

    The president placed the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the Philippine National Police on heightened alert to avoid similar terrorist attacks in the Philippines,

    The assassination story is very, very serious. In the House, if one makes a serious accusation against a colleague, attacking hisher integrity, the accuser must present the evidence. If unfounded, the aggrieved party can file a case in the committee on ethics,

    The government policy is no ransom, no negotiation.

    They will be brought to an undisclosed place. Let's give them a little privacy,

    Who will now check the excesses and abuses of the government

    No group has claimed responsibility for the blast, but one government official ascribed it to terrorists. This is definitely an act of terrorism, hitting a civilian bus and killing civilians in the process, ... The president is very concerned about this.

    It's still a game of hide and seek, but their world is getting smaller and smaller,

    The government will continue to observe maximum tolerance,

    His name was often mentioned by the opposition to show who was supporting the impeachment. I think he needs to explain why he changed his mind because he owes it to the people,

    More Roilo Golez Quotations (Based on Topics)

    People - Name - Honesty & Integrity - Committees - Tolerance - Place - Opposition - Intelligence - Ethics - Tyranny & Despotism - Privacy - Parties - Majority & Minority - Government - Actions - World - Terrorism - View All Roilo Golez Quotations

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