Ron Carey Quotes on Past (3 Quotes)

    They have voted on it, ... They are voting today by walking the pavement, by letting the company know that they are not about to have any contract jammed down their throat. This is the new Teamsters. We do not operate as was done in the past.

    I think what you're really talking about when you look at junior Hoffa ... is the weakness and corruption of the past, things that have caused this union so much pain ... Four general presidents were indicted. We've attacked corruption. We've dealt it a body blow. We've put over 67 locals into trusteeship.

    What the union historically has done is gone in, negotiate a contract, then brought it back to its members when they reached agreement. What the company has been dictating and intimidating and threatening people is that they want to shove this contract down the members' throats. That has never been done in the past,

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