Ron James Quotes (30 Quotes)

    This program is not new to Hill or the industrial world. It's actually a management system that starts at the employee level. You get them to take charge of their safety program and then all the way up through management you develop a level of accountability.

    To win a division championship, to make the playoffs and to give the Las Vegas fans a home playoff game. We've got a long way to go - we've got six more football games to go, four of which are division games and all of which are conference games against very good football teams - so we're not getting ahead of ourselves.

    Erratic play. What we're trying to develop is consistency. We had that for two weeks, and we won. All of a sudden, we had a game where we needed consistent play and veteran leadership, and we didn't get either from those two guys when we needed it.

    In arena football, the offense is a timing offense. If you give the quarterback time and vision, he should be able to move the ball properly.

    I wrote back and asked if she could be more specific. She e-mailed me back with exact labels and products, and the good news is that we were already planning to carry 90 percent of it.

    Most guys would've taken the rest of the season off. He was able to come back at the end of the season, and really he was anxious to get out there sooner. It's just the doctors wanted to make sure the healing process was complete.

    It would probably increase the number of deer killed, but I'm not sure I'm for or against it.

    We hurt ourselves more than they did anything to help themselves. It throws a lot of your game plan out the window when you have to play from behind like that.

    Fife was actually a lot more consistent, poised in the pocket. He graded out a little stronger. There's a tremendous upside there. The guy's just learning the game. He's picking it up fast.

    We just felt like last season he came into camp in decent shape, but nowhere near the condition he's in at this point. And because of what we ran last year, he was kind of a fish out of water.

    Is it wrong for people to misbehave when they have been given great opportunities I think absolutely it is.

    At the end of the game we gave ourselves the opportunity to come back, but we turned the ball back over on downs. At that point, we could have turned it into a four-point game.

    We have a lot of trust in Jason. The primary thing with Jason is, once we get the surrounding cast to be more consistent, he will be more consistent.

    Every game as far as team confidence is make or break for us. We've got to develop that type of a winning attitude.

    We came out of the locker room flat, expecting to win and not willing to work to win. That first half was one of the worst offensive productions I've seen in eight years coaching in this league, and the second half wasn't much better.

    I expected more from these guys. I know we've got a lot of new faces, but we don't have time to get a team to jell. It has to happen now. We've got a lot of decisions to make on personnel, and we've got to make sure that we get the adjustments to lead us to victory next week.

    It's all the focus of the organization. If you focus on long term, you have a lot of things to consider. If you focus on the short term, different things come into play.

    He's a smart kid he knows the offense that we're in. He's been with us since training camp, so the only thing with him is making sure that we're getting the proper looks for him during practice so he can get used to the rhythm and timing of arena football.

    Their pass rush did give us some issues in the first half, there's no doubt about that. But also, we knew they were going to give us tight coverage, and we didn't win a lot of the one-on-one battles you need to gain first downs and move the ball.

    Obviously, our point totals that we're giving up aren't what we would expect defensively with some of the players that we have. But in all fairness, the turnovers are the big issue. Defensively, you're going to give up points when you're turning the ball over and giving the other team more opportunities (and) that's what we've been doing.

    We're of the mind-set that if it does come down to the last play, we're going to make the play. You can't expect anything more than (being close at the end). We haven't been in that situation for a few weeks, and that's disappointing.

    (Fife) had command of the offense.

    What you have to guard against (in) a second start is that he's not trying to do too much. Of the two interceptions, one was a bad decision, and the other one was getting hit when he was throwing the football. I think those were isolated incidents and that he played well.

    Since the 1980s, the number of hunters has gone down and there's more deer, so it's kind of a snowball effect. More deer, less hunters.

    We can't rest on losing a football game. If you notice our transactions, every time we lose a game, somebody either goes home or something gets changed. And I'm not waiting around. I'm going to be aggressive about this thing. I'm going to make sure we've got the right people playing.

    This is really the time to get back to basics and make sure that we're carrying out the fundamental issues of football.

    The Wabash River - Indiana's largest body of water, containing the longest unimpeded waterway east of the Mississippi - constitutes a fascinating chapter in our nation's history. From the corridor's impact on the Hoosier landscape to its role in influencing the lives of the people who live along it, this is truly a story worth telling.

    It's not just straight-line speed. He's got the agility and the quickness to go with it. His vision on the field is phenomenal. It just opens the playbook so much as a coach that I'm really looking forward to it.

    I've seen a lot of veteran guys who are leaders in this league play games just like that. Craig's been through this before. I have every confidence he'll bounce back, or we'll find the right person to do that.

    I think the quarterback change has been a positive one. I think the team has rallied around the new guy, and I think Jason showed a lot of promise and a lot of poise in a number of situations.

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    Football - Water - Decision Making - Faces - Trust - Confidence - Promise - Opportunity - Leading & Managing - Home - Fairness - Success - People - Management - Imagination & Visualization - World - Disappointment - Time - Attitude - View All Ron James Quotations

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