Ron Miller Quotes (17 Quotes)

    We try to do that every game. We tend to score a lot better when we're pushing the ball. We just have to get moving and be active defensively and offensively. I thought our passing was real good today.

    The university has always treated me well, and they've given me everything I've asked for. Without that support, this wouldn't be possible.

    We started all the seniors today. They played really well as a group for pretty much the first quarter. The rest of the team came in and kept the intensity up. I felt like we played well.

    Ron Miller, co-owner of NuCar Chevrolet, also reported solid sales in August, despite the bad news from Hurricane Katrina nationally and potential layoffs at MBNA locally. NuCar has locations in Newark, Middletown and near New Castle. Our sales were fine, ... On par with another August.

    After a series of interviews with a number of the highly credentialed law enforcement professionals from around the country, I think we've identified three outstanding candidates,

    At least one person agreed that the language was bad. I don't even mind the noise, ... My complaint is only with the strong language that was used. . . . Even several blocks away it was very clear what was being said.

    Three big plays and that was all they got. We talk about it every week, but they keep happening. We have not played four quarters yet. I would like to because I think we could play with some people. We moved the ball and are getting better. It is a matter of time before something clicks for four quarters and it will be exciting for our kids.

    It will be designed as an elementary school, whereas (the current academic building) is designed as a middle school-high school.

    It was a well fought match. I think some of the Vintage players really stepped up. Vintage played a good match. Vintage was really cohesive as a team.

    All of a sudden, there's a fear that we're going to erode Christian identity, so there's a desire to define it in a more exclusivist way. I think, in the last election, we really saw it in the really strong opposition to gay marriage.

    It was cool. When I was a little kid I saw Gerald Ford land here.

    Imagine the economic impact to the area, the state and the nation if no one in McLean and Tazewell counties could farm for two years. That's the kind of impact this flooding will have.

    They're probably going about two-to-one over the treadmills right now. Less stress on the joints. And most of them have the upper-body movement, too. You're constantly twisting the waistline, which can't hurt.

    When we play that type team, one of the things we struggle with is not coming out and playing with intensity -- overlooking them. We came out and played hard. It just went our way. Bible Heritage is a little overmatched. But they have great attitudes and great sportsmanship. We're just glad to keep going on.

    I'm not a big proponent of equipment, ... If I was going to put together a home studio for myself, I'd probably have dumbbells, a bench, a stability ball, bands, and something to help with balance and core strength.

    Really it has to do with the angle. In winter, the sun is low on the horizon and the sun's beam is at a lower angle. It has to go through more of the atmosphere. Even in the middle of summer at sunrise it doesn't feel as hot on your skin as at the middle of the day.

    I like it here, we have a really good pitching staff. I would say if we don't win the conference, it's not a successful season. I think we're that good of a team.

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    Imagination & Visualization - Fear - Desire - Winter - Sales - Language - Home - Economics - Complaints - Summer - Marriage - Identity - Education - Countries - Time - People - View All Ron Miller Quotations

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