Ron Moore Quotes (11 Quotes)

    We don't really have the answer.

    They have the work ethic. The coaches are going to love them. They're going to get better and better.

    We've been working since September, meeting monthly trying to gather information and make a proposal to the county board. I think this proposal is going to go forward and I think it's a good thing for our county.

    This public hearing is a way for neighboring landowners to have input into what the developer is wanting to do. Green Light has been very willing to be accommodating to the neighbors that we've talked to.

    We have no language to allow wind energy systems in our existing zoning ordinance.

    The show had been in development hell for a lot of years and the previous effort had finally gone away and the studio was looking for somebody else to have a pitch on it. And I said, 'I'm not sure.' I wasn't sure if frankly I wanted to do it. I had done ten years at Star Trek , so I had done a lot of time in space. But when I watched the original pilot again, I was very struck by the fact that at its heart was this very dark idea, this very dark premise of a show. That in the opening moments, an entire civilization is lost. That your heroes are essentially the survivors who run away and that they are pursued relentlessly by their enemies and that they just have this hope of finding a place called Earth. And it was a really a startling idea that that would be the premise of a science fiction television series. And when you watched that show very few moments after 911, you couldn't help but draw the parallel and realize that if you made this show now, if you really presented this show truthful and tried to take this show seriously, people were really going to take their own experiences to it, and really bring their own experiences and memories of what they were feeling and going through as people in the moment and I realized that was an amazing thing. That's a gift. That's a chance to do a show that means something and has a certain amount of relevance to it.

    Wind systems are so new we don't have anything in our zoning ordinance that addresses this type of electrical generation. There are counties in Illinois that have wind energy systems. Those are Bureau, Henry, Lee, McLean, and Mercer. McLean County, I believe, is going to be producing the largest wind energy system in the state, if not the Midwest. I think that's somewhere around a 300 million project.

    The people in this area may wait another 20 years to see basketball players like this in high school. They deserve to see these kids play. I think we play a strong schedule.

    This is a change from our normal process. Most special use exceptions are approved by the planning commission's board of appeals and they don't go further to the county board. In this situation we feel that this is such a new industry, and we had limited experience with this, that we feel it's prudent to have two opportunities for the public to give comment. And so the county board will give their final approval on this.

    Brook is more of a skilled perimeter player, while Robin is definitely an inside player. Robin is better defensively. He has a tremendous ability to block shots and rebound.

    The purpose of zoning land for agricultural preservation is so that prime and unique farmland may be converted to urban use last,

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